This webpage will provide access to applications to allow for flights in our various GA/RA disciplines to take place for the maintenance of our flying proficiency, or more specifically “Recency”, as it will be expected that you are sufficiently proficient to fly in the first place.
The process to be followed will be defined within each discipline as listed below in the header, prior to completing the application. All Aero Club Sections in terms of flying disciplines have been catered for as well as GA. This process supports the intent of the Government Gazette No 43493 dated 2nd July 2020 as well as the CAA General Notice # GAD-2020/003 dated 3rd July 2020 (See link below). Submitting the application will result in an approval email notification – valid for the next 7 days with no flying limits (to be printed and available when you fly), after which you can apply for a repeat application as necessary.
Of importance to note is that flying within the constraints as indicated is to ensure that the spread of the virus is contained, thus the protocols you agree to are to be complied with. In this regard proficiency flying will only be allowed to take place from a single airfield or base, i.e. no destinations other than the same airfield or base of operations you departed from. Outlandings for touch and go’s, refuelling will be permitted, as well as for event participation under approved applicable SOPs.