Join Us CAASA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2024_V2 Download PDF Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.COMPANY NAME *COMPANY REGISTRATION *VAT REGISTRATION NO *NUMBER OF STAFF IN COMPANY *WEBSITE *PHYSICAL ADDRESS *POSTAL ADDRESS *NAME OF CAASA REPRESENTATIVE *CELL NO OF COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE *EMAIL OF COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE *NAME OF COMPANY ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE *CELL NO OF COMPANY ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE *EMAIL OF COMPANY ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE *CEO/MD/DIRECTORS NAMES, EMAILS, CONTACT NOS *Airports & Aerodromes Association of SA (AAA-SA) Representative *Association of Aviation Maintenance Organisations of SA (AMOSA) Representative *Association of SA Aerospace Traders and Allied industries (ASAAT) Representative *Association of Aviation Training Organisations of SA (AATOSA) Representative *Association of Non-Scheduled Operators (ANSO) Representative *Association of Aviation Design Organisations (AADO) Representative *Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Association of SA (CUAASA) Representative *Helicopter Association of SA (HASA) Representative *Aerospace Quality and Safety Association of Southern Africa (AQSASA) Representative *ADMIN NAME, EMAIL, CONTACT NO *FINANCE NAME, EMAIL, CONTACT NO *SOCIAL MEDIA DETAILS: (IF APPLICABLE) CAASA WOULD LIKE TO SHARE YOUR POSTS *AVIATION BUSINESS (Please indicate with an X)AIRCRAFT SALESAIRCRAFT COMPONANTS/ACCESSORIES SALESLICENSED AIR SERVICES OPERATIONSSCHEDULEDNON SCHEDULEDAERIAL WORKAGRICULTURALFLYING TRAININGCORPORATEOTHER (Please specify below)NON FLYING SERVICES OFFEREDMAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AND/OR OVERHAULMANUFACTURE AND/OR DESIGNTESTING AND/OR PROCESSINGTRAININGAIRPORT FACILITYAERODROME/HELICOPTER FACILITYAIRCRAFT REFUELLING AND EQUIPMENTLEGAL/FINANCING/INSURANCEOTHER (Please Specify below)UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS (RPAS)ASSOCIATE – PERSON, COMPANY INTERESTED IN PROMOTING OF SAFE AND EFFICIENT COMMERCIAL UNMANNED AERIAL OPERATIONSSTUDENTS – APPLICABLE ONLY IF YOU OPERATE WITH NO COMMERCIAL GAINSMALL COMMERCIAL OPERATORS/COMPANIES WITH A UAS BASED TURNOVER LESS THAN R1MCOMMERCIAL OPERATORS WITH A UAS BASED TURNOVER MORE THAN R1MAGREEMENT : Once confirmed and approved by the CAASA Board your Company/Organisation will be invoiced accordingly. We understand that written notice of resignation is required before the end of the Financial Year and that otherwise the Membership Fee for the ensuing year shall be payable. *In order to send this please check the checkbox.CODE OF ETHICS: • Actively promote the interests of General Aviation • Represent the interest of members in an honest and transparent manner • Be open and transparent in all internal and external communications. • Project the image of honest, fair, courteous, efficient and professional dealings by maintaining a reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing • Engage actively with all relevant statutory bodies in the interests of promoting aviation • Ensure that all relevant legislations is adequately publicised and members understand their obligations in respect of such laws and regulations • Make adequate and reasonable arrangements in respect of liability which may arise from the conduct of their business • Encourage active and healthy relationships between and amongst CAASA members • Encourage the continuous upgrading of aviation education, skills and knowledge Proven Contraventions of this Code of Ethics by any members of CAASA will be viewed in a very serious light and appropriate action will be taken. *In order to send this please check the checkbox.WebsiteSubmit Email to